Mar 02, 2025  
2015-2016 College Catalog 
2015-2016 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life and Counseling

Career Services Student Life and Counseling
Student Activities Student Organizations
Student Responsibilities Other Student Services/Information

Career Services

The Career Services Office offers students and graduates a variety of services, including the following:

  • Career Counseling Services: Assists students and graduates in understanding their potential, interests, attitudes, and personal values as they apply to career planning. Career information, career assessment, and computerized guidance are available.
  • Job Placement Assistance: Assists students and graduates in obtaining employment in area businesses and industries through an online job placement system. Assistance with interviewing techniques, resume writing, and job-search strategies is provided.
  • Work Based Learning: Integrates the classroom and the workplace by providing students with classroom training and related work experience through local employers when available.

Student Life and Counseling Services

Student Life and Counseling Services provides opportunities for student engagement and assistance to students experiencing barriers to success. In order to facilitate success, staff members may refer students to resources both on and off campus. In addition, students also have access to free professional counseling through the Student Assistance Program.  Students experiencing difficulties with any aspects of the College experience are encouraged to visit or contact the Student Life and Counseling Services Office, Pendleton Campus, Student Center, Suite 155, 864-646-1569.

Student Disabilities Services provides services for students who have disabilities. Students needing assistance in participating in College programs should contact the Disabilities Services Coordinator in the Office of Student Life and Counseling Services on the Pendleton Campus, Student Center Suite 155, or call 864-646-1564 at least 30 days prior to the first day of classes.

Student Activities

Extracurricular and co-curricular activities are important aspects of the overall educational experience and are designed to enhance student learning and engagement. Student activities are held each semester at a variety of times on multiple campuses. Information about student activities is available via the eTC portal, the online activities calendar, and other media. For more information, students may contact the Office of Student Life and Counseling Services, Pendleton Campus, Student Center, Office Suite 155, 864-646-1569.

Student Organizations

Tri-County Technical College strives to maximize personal growth and development in students by providing a variety of opportunities for involvement, service, and leadership in co-curricular activities. Student organizations and clubs support the academic mission of the College by working to create experiential learning options outside of the classroom and encouraging students to actively participate in the greater educational community. Current clubs and organizations include the following:

Alpha Zeta Beta
Campus Crusade for Christ
Criminal Justice Association (Inactive)
Environmental Club
Expanded Duty Dental Association
Future Laboratory Professionals Association
Inspiring Futures
International Student Association
Lambda Chi Nu
Learning Beyond Campus (LBC)
Makers Club
Minority Student Association (MSA)
Music Club
SC Chapter of National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (SCNAVTA)
Spanish Club
Speech and Drama Team
Student Government Association (SGA)
Student Medical Assisting Association
Student Nurses Association
Tri-County Technical College Book Discussion Group
Tri-County Technical College Student Ambassadors
Tri-County Technical College Student Democrats
Tri-County Technical College Student Republicans
Tri-County Technical College Student Veterans
Tri-County Technical College Technology Club

A current listing of all student organizations and detailed information pertaining to each organization is available in eTC and on the College website at

Formation of New Student Organizations

All new clubs or organizations must be approved by the Student Government Association and by the College administration. New student campus organizations must enhance the instructional program by providing a vehicle for students with mutual interests to work and accomplish goals together. The formation of organizations strictly as social clubs will be discouraged.

Students who are interested in establishing a new student organization must submit to the Dean of Student Development, the SGA Advisor, and the president of the Student Government Association the following information:

  • Purpose of the proposed organization
  • Goals and objectives
  • Name of faculty or staff member willing to assume the responsibilities of advisor
  • Proposed organization’s constitution
  • Proposed first-year budget

The Student Government Association, located on the Pendleton Campus, Student Center, room 140, will review the above information and recommend approval or disapproval to the Dean of Student Development.

Fundraising Activities Policy

Any person or organization selling merchandise or raffle tickets, soliciting money or engaging in any other money-making activities at the College must submit a completed fundraising application form to the Dean of Student Development three weeks prior to the date of the proposed event. A decision regarding approval or disapproval will be made within one week. If the activity is approved, the sponsoring individual or organization will be responsible for conducting the project in a professional and courteous manner. If the activity is not approved, the Dean of Student Development will inform the applicant of the reason. Money obtained from fundraising activities must be used to enhance the educational atmosphere by providing a means for students with mutual interests to work and accomplish goals together. Students should contact the Office of Student Life and Counseling Services on the Pendleton Campus for additional information.

Student Participation in Institutional Decision-Making

Tri-County Technical College values the ideas and opinions of its students and encourages student participation in the governance process of the College by including students in the membership of College committees. The student perspective on College issues is also sought through the Student Government Association, surveys, and student forums during which student issues and concerns are addressed by College administrators.

Student Responsibilities

Academic Integrity

The College is committed to the promotion of academic integrity among its students. Students are expected to carry out all of their responsibilities, including course-related assignments, with honesty. The engagement in academic dishonesty by a student is unfair to fellow students who are working with integrity, and negatively impacts the value of the degrees, diplomas, and certificates awarded by the College. For these reasons, all students are asked to assist the faculty and staff in promoting academic honesty on campus. All forms of dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action. For additional information, students are referred to the Student Code in Appendix 3 .

Alcohol and Other Drug Use Policy

The South Carolina Technical College System prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of narcotics, drugs, other controlled substances or alcohol at the workplace and in the educational setting.  Unlawful for these purposes means in violation of federal/state/local regulations, policy, procedures, or rules, as well as legal statutes (such as the Drug Free Workplace Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act). Workplace means either on agency premises or while conducting agency business away from the agency premises.  Educational setting includes both institutional premises and approved educational sites off campus.

The South Carolina Technical College System recognizes that chemical dependency through use of controlled or uncontrolled substances, including alcohol, is a treatable illness.  Tri-County Technical College provides alcohol and other drug awareness information or programs for employees and students. The College supports and recommends employee and student rehabilitation and assistance programs and encourages employees and students to use such programs.

It is the policy of Tri-County Technical College to provide a drug free, healthful, safe and secure work and educational environment. Employees and students are required and expected to report to their work, class, or student activities in appropriate mental and physical condition to meet the requirements and expectations of their respective roles. The Alcohol and Other Drug Use policy may be found in Appendix 1 .

Children on Campus

Children are not permitted to accompany their parents to classes or labs. Children must not be left unattended on campus nor should children be supervised on campus by other individuals while a parent or guardian attends classes or labs. Parents/guardians who violate this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action. The College accepts no liability for injuries or accidents that occur on campus to children of students, regardless of whether or not the children are supervised.

Dress and Personal Appearance

Appropriate attire is left to the discretion of the individual as long as it is not disruptive to the educational process. In the interest of health and safety, shoes that cover the length of the foot and shirts that cover the chest are required of all students. Some academic programs require specific dress or uniforms consistent with employment practices in the field of study. This information will be included in academic program guides.

Eating, Drinking, and Musical Devices

Eating and drinking are not permitted in any lab, computer lab, auditorium or library. Eating and drinking are allowed in classrooms at the discretion of the instructor. The Pendleton Campus Student Center houses a cafeteria, student lounge, and canteen area, while both the Anderson and Easley Campuses have student lounges. Students are not permitted to play musical devices without headphones inside buildings or on campus.


Students are strongly encouraged to leave a copy of their class schedules with relatives to save time if an emergency arises. The College does not have an intercom communication system linking all classrooms, laboratories or buildings and does not normally provide a student locator service. In the event of an emergency on the Pendleton Campus, the Campus Safety Office should be notified by calling 864-646-1800. On the Anderson Campus, Campus Safety can be notified by calling 864-643-6528. On the Easley Campus, Campus Safety can be notified by calling 864-220-8989.

Firearms on Campus Policy

To ensure a safe and secure environment for all members of the campus community, the carrying of firearms and/or other weapons is restricted on any and all premises or property owned, operated, or controlled by Tri-County Technical College. Weapons may be defined as knives, swords, slingshots, brass knuckles, razors, or other objects or devices which may be used to inflict bodily injury or death, in assembled or unassembled condition.

Notwithstanding the above restriction, salaried law enforcement officers of a municipal, county, state, or federal law enforcement agency are permitted to have a firearm on their person when on campus and when dressed in official uniform.  Plain-clothes, salaried law enforcement officers are required to wear their firearms in a concealed manner.

The South Carolina Code of laws 16-23-420(a), addressing the carrying of a weapon on campus, states: “It is unlawful for a person to possess a firearm of any kind on any premises or property owned, operated, or controlled by a private or public school, without the express permission of the authorities in charge of the premises or property.”

The provisions of the statute referenced above do not apply to a person who is authorized to carry a concealed weapon pursuant to “The Law Abiding Citizens Self-Defense Act of 1996” when the weapon remains inside an attended or locked motor vehicle and is secured in a closed glove compartment, closed console, closed trunk, or in a closed container secured by an integral fastener and transported in the luggage compartment of the vehicle.

The possession or use on campus of dangerous weapons, incendiary devices, or explosives will be controlled as designated in System Policy 3-2-106 Student Code and Grievance, System Procedures 3-2-106.1 The Student Code for the South Carolina Technical College System and 3-2-106.2 The Student Grievance Procedure for the South Carolina Technical College System (in the case of students); or System policy 8-5-100 Disciplinary Action, and  System Procedure 8-5-100.1 Disciplinary Action (in the case of employees).

First Aid, Health Services, and Student Insurance

As a nonresidential campus, the College expects students to secure medical services through a private physician or medical facility. First aid supplies for minor injuries are available at the office of Campus Safety on Pendleton, Anderson, and Easley Campuses. No internal medications (e.g., aspirin) will be administered to students by College employees. In case of a more serious injury, students should call 911, then contact Campus Safety 864-646-1800 on the Pendleton Campus, 864-260-6178 on the Anderson Campus, or 864-220-8989 on the Easley Campus, and then contact the Dean of Student Development Office for appropriate processing. All emergency patients are to be transported to an area hospital by local emergency services.

Note: Students attending classes at the Hamilton Career Center should contact Campus Safety at the Pendleton Campus to report an incident at 864-646-1800. Students attending classes at the ITC Facility in Sandy Springs should contact Campus Safety there at 864-646-1799.

All students enrolled at the College are covered by a student accident insurance program. The cost is included in the cost of tuition. Specific restrictions apply, and benefits are subject to change without notice. This program is subject to cancellation depending upon the availability of coverage at a reasonable cost to the College. Injured students must first file an incident report with Campus Safety at the time of the injury. Then, student must contact the office of the Dean of Student Development within 48 hours in order to receive benefits. For more detailed information about the student accident insurance program, students may contact the Dean of Student Development at 864-646-1605.

Gangs and Gang-Like Activities

Tri-County Technical College strictly prohibits the presence of gangs and gang-like activities that place the College population at risk. A “gang” as used in this policy shall mean two or more individuals (students or others) whose purposes include disruption of the learning environment and/or involvement in criminal acts. “Gang-like” activity shall mean actions that are intended to simulate or manifest gang affiliations, even if the individual performing such actions is not part of a gang.

Identification Cards

Tri-County Technical College Student Identification Cards are mandatory and are required to access the following services: checking out books in the library, using the computer labs, and using financial aid in the Campus Store. Student IDs are valid for one academic year and are available to all students through the Campus Safety Office at the beginning of each term. The initial card is free of charge. Replacement cards will cost $5 each. Prior to each term, Campus Safety will publish the dates, location, and requirements for obtaining student identification cards. Campus Safety is located in Pickens Hall, room 138, on the Pendleton Campus. Student ID cards must be presented to Campus Safety officers upon request.

Information and Technology Resources

Information and technology resources, such as computers, printers, and Internet access, are provided to students to facilitate the accomplishment of their academic endeavors. Computers are available in the library and in the open computer laboratories. Students should refer to the complete policy on information and technology resources available through eTC and the College website. Copies also are available through the Senior Vice President.

Parking Regulations

As outlined on the Pendleton Campus map, parking has been designated in various lots for students, visitors, faculty/staff, and handicapped individuals. Any person enrolled in classes is considered a student and may not use “Visitor” parking spaces. Maps and parking rules are available on the College website, in the Admissions Office, Campus Safety Office, Information Center, and the Industrial and Business Development Center. The College does not guarantee parking spaces; however, adequate parking areas have been reserved for students. Additionally, the College owns a parking lot on Mechanic Street in Pendleton to handle overflow parking from the Pendleton Campus at designated times during the academic year. The parking lot is approximately .5 miles from campus and a shuttle service is provided. The College will post an announcement in the eTC portal at times when the parking lot is available for use. Vehicles are to be parked with the traffic flow in parallel-parking areas in one parking space. Students are to follow general parking courtesy which includes not parking on sidewalks, yellow curbs, lawn or grassed areas, or in reserved spaces, crosswalks, driveways, or intersections, or in any other loading or “No Parking” zones. All vehicles must be parked in a legal space.

Parking Decals

Parking decals are mandatory for students, faculty, and staff who drive to any of our campuses. Students can obtain a decal from the Campus Safety Office. Faculty and staff can obtain a parking decal from the Campus Safety Office. To obtain a parking decal, a student must present a valid driver’s license, his/her TCTC student ID, and a copy of the vehicle registration. The student must also pay the $30 parking fee. The parking decal is to be displayed according to the directions provided by the Campus Safety Office. Parking decals expire at the end of the Summer term. Students with physical disabilities (permanent or temporary) that restrict physical activity may apply for special parking privileges. Students with State-issued handicapped licenses will be automatically approved. All others must submit a special form completed and signed by a licensed health care provider in order to obtain special parking privileges.

Speed Limit and Traffic Penalties

Traffic on the front drive of the Pendleton Campus is one way, and the speed limit is 15 mph. The speed limit in all parking lots is 15 mph. The speed limit on Perimeter Road is 20 mph. Violations of traffic and/or parking regulations on any of our campuses are subject to a warning, fine, or towing of the vehicle. Parking fines are $25 and $50. Towing cost is at the owner’s expense. Towing is the penalty for repeat offenders, for blocking traffic or another vehicle, or for parking in unauthorized parking spaces. All appeals of parking penalties must be made in writing to the Director of Campus Safety within ten days of the date of the citation.  All South Carolina traffic laws apply to vehicles and drivers on campus. 

Photographing Employees, Students, and Related Activities

The College often photographs and videos its students and employees for use in print and online publications and websites to market and promote the College and the South Carolina Technical College System, as well as higher education, economic development, and related topics. Anyone who does not want his or her photograph/image used for these purposes should file a written request with the Public Relations Department, Room 222, Ruby Hicks Hall, Pendleton Campus, or call 864-646-1507.

Safety and Security

Students must observe the safety regulations posted in all instructional shops. In many areas, safety glasses or face shields, shoes and/or other protective clothing are required. Students should see their instructors for a more detailed required equipment listing.

In the event of fire, tornado, or other emergency, students should follow exit, evacuation, or other appropriate instructions posted in the classroom, shop, lab, and hallway, or as given by the instructor or the College’s emergency notification system. Elevators should be avoided in an emergency.

Emergency communications are issued by text, voice, and e-mail, and appear on the public website, social media, and eTC portal announcements.  Students are automatically enrolled in the emergency notification system upon admission to the College.  Once enrolled, students should check to be sure their emergency notification number is correct by logging into eTC and checking the Welcome tab where the number is listed.  If the number is not correct, students can click on a link to quickly and easily update the number.  

Students must notify the College’s Campus Safety Office in the event of any accident, illness, or other incident that occurs on campus, including theft or vandalism. The College is not responsible for any theft or vandalism of personal property anywhere on the College premises. The Tri-County Technical College Annual Campus Security Report required by the Clery Act is available upon request in the Campus Safety Office, and on the College website at

Student Code for the SC Technical College System

Students are members of both the community at large and the academic community. As members of the academic community, students are subject to the obligations which accrue to them by virtue of this membership. As members of the larger community of which the College is a part, students are entitled to all rights and protection accorded them by the laws of that community. By the same token, students also are subject to all laws, the enforcement of which is the responsibility of duly constituted authorities. When students violate laws, they may incur penalties prescribed by legal authorities. In such instances, College discipline will be initiated only when the presence of the student on campus will disrupt the educational process of the College. However, when a student’s violation of the law also adversely affects the College’s pursuit of its recognized educational objectives, the College may enforce its own regulations. When students violate College regulations, they are subject to disciplinary action by the College whether or not their conduct violates the law. If a student’s behavior simultaneously violated both College regulation and the law, the College may take disciplinary action independent of that taken by legal authorities. The Student Code for the South Carolina Technical Colleges may be found in Appendix 3 .

Student Grievance Procedure for the SC Technical College System

The purpose of the student grievance procedure is to provide a system to channel student complaints against faculty and staff. The process by which students may file grievances concerning harassment, discrimination and other matters or appeal academic decisions is outlined in Appendix 5 .

Tobacco Use Policy

The College desires to provide a healthy working and learning environment for its employees and students. Therefore, the use of tobacco products is prohibited effective August 1, 2014.  For the purpose of this policy, “tobacco” refers to any and all tobacco products. whether inhaled or ingested, as well as electronic cigarettes.  The use of tobacco products shall be prohibited everywhere on all campuses, inside building and throughout the grounds.  This policy applies to everyone on campus, including students, staff, faculty, contractors, and visitors.  For additional information on the College’s Tobacco-Free Policy, visit

Other Student Services/Information

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are located on campus to notify students of events and activities. All announcements, notices, and signs are to be posted only on these bulletin boards and not on the doors and walls. All announcements, notices, and signs not related to College activities must be submitted to the Dean of Student Development for approval and posting.

Cafeteria and Vending Services

A full-service cafeteria is located in the Student Center on the Pendleton Campus. Vending services are located throughout the Pendleton Campus.  Vending services are also located in the Student Lounges on the Anderson and Easley Campuses. Visit to see menus, daily specials, and more.

Campus Store

The Campus Store offers a complete line of textbooks, supplies, apparel, and general merchandise. A variety of electronics are also available for purchase including laptops, tablets, and accessories.

Regular Campus Store hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and Friday, 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

The Campus Store has extended hours during financial aid availability periods. During these weeks, financial aid can be used to purchase books, rent books, purchase supplies, or buy any other merchandise from the Campus Store. Also during this time, you may order books online at for purchase or rent (selected titles) and receive them via in-store pickup, Community Campus pickup, or delivery to your home by UPS. Specific dates and times are posted on eTC,, the Campus Store Facebook page, and in the Campus Store prior to the beginning of each semester.

Book Buyback is held at the end of each semester and during exams.

To meet HEOA (Higher Education Opportunity Act) requirements, the Tri-County Technical College Campus Store makes available the prices and ISBNs (International Standard Book Number) for textbooks one month prior to the beginning of each semester. This information is made available through the use of shelf tags in the store and on the Campus Store website at

To keep up with the latest news, current events, and giveaways, visit: and

Closing of the College and Inclement Weather Policy

If the College cancels or delays classes due to inclement weather conditions, the decision will apply to all campuses.  The College will issue a text message, voice alert, and email.  In addition, the College will post the closing information on the public website, intranet portal (eTC), and record a message on the telephone system (864-646-8361, option “9” or toll-free at 1-866-269-5677, option “9”), Students should ensure their emergency notification number is correct by logging into eTC and viewing/updating the number displayed on the Welcome tab.

Local television and radio stations will also be used to announce closings and delays for the general public.  However, because these outlets typically provide a limited number of standardized options, students are encouraged to rely on the direct College communication mechanisms described above.

Copying Machines

Copying machines are available in the Library at the Pendleton Campus and in the Open Computer Labs across all campuses. The cost is .04 cents per black and white copy and .08 cents per color copy.  Print card refills are available in the vending machines at each campus and in the Campus Store.  All other copying machines are for faculty and staff use only. 

eTC Portal

Every student is assigned an account for eTC, the College’s web-based portal for news, academic resources, course registration, final grades, financial aid account information, and other online services. eTC is accessible by clicking on the eTC logo at the top of the home page of the College website or going directly to Accounts are assigned to students upon admittance to the College. Once the account has been assigned, it will stay active each term for as long as the student actively uses the account. (Inactivity will result in the account being disabled. Students should contact the Service Desk at 864-646-1779 to have their account reactivated.)

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located at the Information Center in Miller Hall on the Pendleton Campus and at the Campus Safety Offices on the Anderson and Easley Campuses. Name and ID are required when turning in or claiming lost items. If there is identifiable information on the item, it will be released only to the person identified. Items will be stored for 30 days.

Open Computer Labs

The College has two open computer labs located in Pickens Hall and Fulp Hall on the Pendleton Campus as well as one on the Anderson and Easley Campuses.